God Is Love

Following Sunday’s message about God’s love, I want to begin by simply saying that God loves you! Remember that. If you’re at all like me, you probably need reminding of that from time to time. Voices from our past often scream into the “ear” of our hearts and minds, You aren’t worthy. You don’t deserve God’s love. Remember all that you have done…and haven’t done? Who do you think you are? The endless loops of negativity and criticism play like a host of open “windows” running in the background of the computers of our minds, bogging us down.

God, in Christ, desires to break through those negative messages screaming at you by simply telling you that you are loved. And, so, let me say as well, I love you!  Because sometimes, for us to experience the love and grace of God, we need someone with skin (i.e., in a relationship) to flesh out the love God intends for us to experience. We need each other!

As we head into a fall season of small groups (Care Groups, men’s/women’s groups, youth groups), I want to encourage you to find a way to get plugged in. None of us is an island. God wired us so that we experience grace, forgiveness, healing, and love through relationships with others. Of course, salvation ultimately comes only through Jesus, but it is expressed and lived out in the community. Won’t you join us this October as we do life together? Maybe, amid it all, you will hear God’s gentle whisper again—or for the first time—saying, I’m so glad you’re mine!

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