Fall Has Arrived

It’s here! September has arrived! With it, school, band, and sports schedules all ramp up. Likewise, our church calendar begins a new rhythm. Youth groups, Care Groups, men’s and women’s groups, etc. start up again. This time of the year can be exciting, new…and a bit exhausting! As we kick off a new fall, I hope you will not feel exhausted but refreshed. One way we have tried to help with that is to stagger our beginnings. Youth groups start next week, Wednesday, Sept. 11. But adult Care Groups won’t kick off until the week of Sept. 29th. This way, adults have time to find a small group while kids can get plugged back into the youth group earlier.  Use the link below to see what care groups are available.

We have some other special events for the church family in September. This Sunday, September 8th, we will have our fall Kick-Off Party in the Parking Lot. This helps new and not-so-new folks learn about Care Groups, Ministry Teams, youth areas, and more. Following the second service on Sunday, we will be headed outside for some fun and fellowship!

Then, on Saturday, September 21st, we will have our Community Carnival fundraiser for the Called to Grow building campaign. It will be an afternoon filled with fun, food, games, and a time of worship. As Kaci Carson continues to plan for this event, she will be looking for many volunteers. I invite you to sign up to help for an hour (or more) that Saturday as we reach out to our community and raise funds for the new children’s wing.  Use the link below to sign up for an available slot for the Carnival.

Lastly, one of the advantages of a new start to things is that people have an opportunity to find an area or areas to serve in. If you are looking for an area in which to serve, be sure to check out the Ministry Team tables this Sunday, as well as looking for chances to serve throughout the fall. One of the key ways we grow in Christ is by using the gifts he has given us to bless others. I hope you find your place to serve and grow this fall as we begin a new season together!

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