Going Glocal

Hey, BCC family!
It’s been several weeks since I have written. What a great summer already: CIY Move, and VBS are already behind us. Likewise, men’s and women’s groups have met this summer, and the middle schoolers have CIY Mix next week. Before you know it, it will be August, and families will be prepping to send their kids back to school.

But wait, there’s more! Rod and Carmen Baldus have been in Tela, Honduras with Hope for Tela this summer doing work on the ground for pastors, churches, and the community with the groups they have had come down to serve. And I just returned from San Luis Potosi, Mexico with our mission team. We served at Mexican Mountain Mission children’s home with Juan and Selene Murray. What a wonderful trip it was! In fact, our team plans on briefly sharing with you this Sunday all that God did on our journey.

In addition to hearing from the MMM team, we will also be hearing from Emme Losee who went to the Philippines this summer on a medical mission trip. As Emme continues to prepare to become a medical missionary, I want you to hear her journey, as well as her plans for the future.

One of the neat things about Emme’s journey toward sensing a call to missions is that it didn’t begin overseas. Rather, it began right here in our own neighborhood! Emme’s first experience with missions was during our very first Stay-at-Home Mission, where, instead of going to Mexico or Honduras or India, the church served here in our community. This is exactly what our goal is at BCC. We believe we have been called to go glocal.

Going glocal is a way of saying that we believe that God has not only called us to minister to those in other countries on a global basis. He has also called us to serve locally in our community. Serving global and local=going global! Some churches have a tendency to lean heavily in only one of these directions. However, BCC believes that Christ has given us a global mandate to reach the world for Jesus by starting on our own street.

I share this with you as a way of highlighting the fact that we actually have a Stay-at–Home Mission coming up Saturday, August 3 from ……
We will be working within the church building to help us get ready for fall ministry, and we will be going out into the community to serve, as well. I hope you will plan to join us in this one-day event as we serve our local community side-by-side…and have a blast doing it! Who knows; our next missionary may just hear their calling for the first time while they serve right here in Bailey!

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