Our Story

How it all started...

In the early 1800s revival broke out all across the country.  In the midst of one such revival, a young preacher by the name of Barton Stone began to develop his views on unity in Christ. A few years later, Thomas and Alexander Campbell joined forces with Stone and carried this message of witness through unity to an even broader audience. The goal was to restore the New Testament church in all its vitality and spirit.  Hence, this unity movement became known as the Restoration Movement (also known as the Stone-Campbell Movement).

In the late 1870s Mrs. Martha Kriger wrote to the State Secretary of the Churches of Christ Society to ask him to send someone to Bailey to hold meetings and organize a New Testament Church.  The Secretary sent Mrs. Butler who came early in 1879 and held meetings.  These resulted in the organization of the Bailey Church of Christ on March 27, 1879 with thirty-three charter members.

Ever since those early days, BCC continues to look beyond itself to minister to the community and world around us.  We believe it is our calling to be a light in our area, so that people can honestly say this community is better because of BCC! With a heart to reach out to young families, our children's and youth ministries have been strong foundations for our outreach. Our Upward basketball program consistently has over 300 young people each year involved in Christ-centered sports ministry.

BCC has also sent missionaries to foreign fields such as Mexico, Honduras, Africa, and Peru; and we have even partnered to start a children's and widow's home in India. Our heart is to be both global and local; to think globally while acting locally, or "glocal: as we say. This, we believe is Christ's call for the church here at Bailey.

Our Statement of faith...

In essential beliefs - we have unity.   Ephesians4:4-6
In non-essential beliefs - we have liberty.   Romans 14: 1, 4, 12, 22
In all our beliefs - we show charity.   I Corinthians 13:2

Be a part of our story...

Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together at 9:00 am and 10:45 am.