20 Day Branching Out Prayer & Fast

As we look forward to the Called to Grow: Branching Out Banquet on April 14th, we are asking for people who would be willing to fast and pray for this event.
We know that the price tag on the new children's wing is a large one. (for more info on the campaign click HERE) However, we serve a big God and we are believing that he will provide.
Here is what the fast will look like. We are asking if you would fast every Wednesday from sun up to sun down; or, fasting breakfast and lunch on Wednesdays until the banquet. If you are not able to or don't feel comfortable fasting from food, make sure that it is something that is a sacrifice for you.
Each day, you will get a text with a prayer prompt to help guide your prayers.
If you would like to continue receiving the prayer prompts, please sign up below.